Guter Umgang mit HIlfsstoffen in der Tablettierung

👉 Importance beyond deformation behaviour
When using lubricants for tableting in both production and development, it is important to consider more than just the deformation behaviour of the formulation.

👉 Die goldene Regel für Hilfsstoffe
Für alle HIlfsstoffe gilt die goldene Regel: so viel wie nötig, aber so wenig wie möglich. Denn Hilfsstoffe verringern nicht nur die Tablettenfestigkeit, sondern können sich auch negativ auf die Auflösungsrate des Wirkstoffs auswirken. Der Grund dafür ist, dass sie meist hydrophob sind und daher verhindern, dass das Wasser den API auflöst.

👉 The crucial role of distribution
Additionally, the distribution of the lubricant within the formulation is crucial. In contrast to the API and all other excipients, where an attempt is made to achieve the best possible and most even distribution within the tableting batch, the lubricant should not be distributed as well as possible. Longer mixing times and higher mixing intensities result in so-called overlubrication where the lubricant in distributed that good, that the bonding capacity within the formulation is reduced tremendously and the tablet strength can drop to zero.

👉 HIlfsstoffe sind obligatorisch, müssen aber gehandhabt werden
Nevertheless, lubricants are mandatory in most formulations to prevent tablet damage due to sticking. And in some cases, they can even help to improve the flowability a bit, because the powder particles can glide better.