Filling the gaps between powder and technology


Formulation Development

Our comprehensive portfolio includes the development of new formulations, optimization of existing formulations, and feasibility studies for changing the production process (e.g., from wet to dry granulation). Thanks to our innovative small-scale method, we can save up to 90% of material compared to conventional approaches.

Transfer & Scale Up

We support you in the seamless transfer of your existing production to a new machine or manufacturing location. Through meticulous planning and professional execution of the scale-up process, we ensure a successful transformation. Benefit from our transfer and scale-up services.

Production Optimization

If your production is not running as desired, or if the production, for example, comes to a stop, we are there to help. Whether if tablets losing their strength, fluctuating weights, or stability issues - we offer quick and flexible solutions for a smooth production. Fast assistance in production optimization and troubleshooting to ensure you lose as little time as possible.

Measurement & Process Engineering

Our experienced team takes on the development of new Process Analytical Technology (PAT) tools, as well as the verification of measurement signals and evaluation algorithms. Through our expertise in measurement and process engineering, we can enhance the efficiency and quality of your processes.

Further Education

Book one of our seminars, which offer both theoretical and practical content. Whether at our technical center or at your location – by attending one of our seminars, you'll gain comprehensive insight into the processes and technologies for the smooth development and production of solid dosage forms. Feel free to inquire about our further training offerings.

OEB-5 Technical Center

We are proud to have our own OEB-5 technical center, soon. With this state-of-the-art facility, we will offer all our services for highly active substances (HPAPI) in the future. We are already eager to discuss your ideas and challenges today.


Solids Development Consult – Your trusted partner for safe and efficient formulation and process development.

Filling the gaps between powder and technology

We are your problem solver in the development and production of granules and tablets. Our team of experts utilizes its extensive scientific and practical experience to meet your specific requirements and support you at every stage - from formulation to production. Under our motto "Filling the gaps between powder and technology", we offer specialized solutions for challenges in the fields of pharmaceuticals, food, chemicals, and consumer goods. Learn more about our comprehensive solutions that can lead your projects to success.

Our Approach

Free Initial Consultation

  • Non-binding initial discussion with our experts
  • Understanding the situation and challenges
  • If the problem can already be solved at this stage, we are pleased!
  • Maintaining confidentiality about the discussed contents is a matter of course for us. We are also happy to sign a non-disclosure agreement.


  • Preparation of a proposal with a specific, individual solution free of charge
  • Discussion of the proposal and making final adjustment

Problem Solving

  • Execution of the agreed experiments in our laboratory or on-site in an agile process
  • Close coordination with you on the results between individual experimental series for agile problem solving. If necessary, adjustments for further tests are made.


  • Careful documentation of all conducted experiments and results
  • Upon request, preparation of a comprehensive report including all phases and aspects.

We are process experts;

our extensive knowledge makes us problem solvers.

We provide comprehensive support in formulation and process development, especially in pharmaceutical development. Together, we overcome any challenge and find solutions - whether it's about formulation development, transfer and scale-up, or production (granulation and tableting) – we are here for you.

Furthermore, we offer training sessions where you can personally get to know our Solids Development team. You'll gain in-depth knowledge firsthand and receive qualified support through our courses and seminars for your projects. We are ready to assist you with your projects and maximize your successes. We are ready to help you with your plans and maximize your success.

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We look forward to meeting you!

Getting to know each other, exchanging ideas, support, consultation... everything begins with an initial conversation! Feel free to send us an email or give us a call (+49 214 500 428 83).

Our location is right off the A3 - Leverkusen Centrum exit - situated between Cologne and the A1.

You're welcome to visit us and see our offerings firsthand. Parking is available.

You can find us at the following address:

Solids Development Consult GmbH

Peter-Joseph-Lenné-Straße 11

51377 Leverkusen, Germany

Alternatively, we're also happy to come to you.

1 + 2 =

For reasons of readability, only one gender is used for personal designations and person-related nouns on this website. Corresponding terms apply to all genders in the sense of equal treatment. The abbreviated language form is for editorial reasons only and does not imply any valuation.