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Unter #DrRob versammelt sich das Expertenteam von Solids Development, die die Brücke zwischen Formulierungs- und Prozessentwicklung schlagen. Hier werden regelmäßig Fachbeiträge, Hinweise auf Seminare oder Neuigkeiten aus dem Unternehmen veröffentlicht.

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Dry Granulation – A Summary

Dry Granulation – A Summary

On our LinkedIn page with the hashtag #DrRob, we shared our knowledge on the topic of "Dry Granulation". To conclude, we created a summary on the topic of "Dry Granulation." If you are interested, the summary is available for direct download. It offers insights into...

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Understanding the Nip Angels in Power Compaction

Understanding the Nip Angels in Power Compaction

Understanding the Nip Angle in Powder Compaction In a publication in @‌ScientistLive on December 11, 2023, Dr. Barbara Fretter from Solids Development and Michael Schupp from Gerteis provide insights into estimating the nip angle, a crucial element in the roller...

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Lamination in Tablets

Lamination in Tablets

Lamination in Tablets: A Dive into a Common Tablet Defect In any production process, errors can occur. Speaking about pharmaceutical tablet production one of these defects is known as lamination. But what exactly is lamination, and how can it be prevented? In this...

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